Bible Believing Churches in Simi Valley
Abundant Life Church
Leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, beginning in Simi Valley.
Connect through Facebook.
Antioch Church
With Jesus, Like Jesus, For Jesus
Watch + Listen + Subscribe on YouTube
Blessed Hope Chapel
Blessed Hope Chapel is a body of believers made up of people from different backgrounds and stories joined together through the gospel of Christ. Please join us for worship this Sunday.
Calvary Chapel of Simi Valley
The Enduring Word Bible Commentary
Centerpoint Church
Strengthening Families through God’s Love!
Watch on Vimeo
Church of the Living Christ
Making disciples that make disciples.
Compass Church of Simi Valley – Pointing all hearts toward Christ.
We celebrate God’s free gift of everlasting life to those who place their faith in Jesus Christ alone. This great assurance motivates us to worship the Lord, to live our lives for Him, and to reach out to others with this message of peace and security. We invite you to join us both in worship and in our quest to become faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Cornerstone Church
Our Purpose: To give every individual an accurate picture of God by helping those who believe become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Morning Devotionals, Prayer and Evening Worship on Facebook.
Faith Christian Church
Exalt – Encourage – Equip – Evangelize
Join FaceBook Live on Sunday 10:30am.
Grace Church
Daily Grace Blog.
Do you have a prayer request or questions about the Bible?
Lighthouse Bible Church
Our mission is to disciple and serve one another by God’s Grace, with God’s Word, for God’s Glory.
New Beginnings Christian Fellowship
Where love and belonging go hand in hand.
How can we pray for you?
I want to find out more about giving my life to Christ.
New Heart
There is no more powerful or effective Spiritual discipline, than reading God’s word the Bible, and we’ve got a plan for you. For some this will be a stretch— to commit to reading the bible each and every day…but you can do this. This challenge should take you about 30 minutes each day— and I believe God will meet you as you open His word, and invite Him to guide you into His truth.
Real Life Church
Come celebrate on Sunday at 8:30am, 10:00am or 11:30am.
Second Missionary Baptist Church
We are family orientated. Mission minded. Believing in the five fold ministry of the church. (Ephesians 4 :11,12)
Simi Church of Christ
Five Simple Truths. 1. God Created us, Loves us & Desires a Relationship with us. 2. We have ALL done wrong (Sin). This separates us from God, damages our life and the lives of those around us. 3. God desires a relationship with us so much, he sent his son Jesus Christ as a Sacrifice for our sins. 4. If we Believe, Repent & are Baptized our wrong doing is Forgiven. We then become followers (Disciples) of Jesus Christ. 5. This results in Eternal Life in Heaven and a Purpose to Love God and Serve our friends, family, neighbors & community.
Simi Community Church
We would love to pray for you.
Watch online.
Simi Covenant Church
Engaging the Generations in Christ’s Mission
Join on FaceBook
StoneBridge Community Church
At the close of worship every week we’re sent out with this charge: “Go out into the world in peace. Have courage. Hold on to what is good. Return no one evil for evil. Strengthen the faint-hearted. Support the weak. Help the suffering. Honor everyone you meet. Love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
True Spirit Community Church
The mission of True Spirit Community Church is to bring glory to God by showing our love for Him through living a consistent life of worship, service and fellowship.